The most effective treatment: Shiatsu Massage and Koryo Hand Therapy.
Sessions are approximately 60 - 90 minutes.
"Your Appointment is your Responsibility"
Missed Appointments:
When you book an appointment with the Shiatsu Guy, that time is set aside FOR YOU and YOU ONLY. I do not double book and strive to always be ready for you when you arrive. In return, I as that you keep to your appointment and SHOW UP ON TIME.
Please understand that I only get paid when I perform a service. Therefore, missed appointments are costly for me and prevent me from catering to other clients.
If you are unable to keep your schedule appointment with the Shiatsu Guy, please contact me by phone (808) 398-4824 at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. If you are unable to reach me, leave a message on my voicemail.
If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment without notification of at least 24 hours in advance, your will be required to pay the full cost of the therapy type that you were scheduled for.
Rates: (Starting Sept. 1st)
Shiatsu $80.00
Senior Shiatsu $70.00
Korean Hand Therapy $50.00
Auriculo Therapy $50.00
Combo of Shiatsu and other therapies $100.00
Ontake added to another treatment $20.00
Walk-in/Same Day Appointments $90.00
Spot Therapy for Pain (Auriculo/Hand) $50.00